LINE CORRECTION was developed as an alternative to therapeutic aesthetic injections.
Different types of wrinkles require different and comprehensive approaches.
The formulas contain biomimetic antioxidant active ingredients that simultaneously act on dynamic and static wrinkles, as well as wrinkles associated with oxidative stress.
By relying on the latest technological advances, LINE CORRECTION makes it possible to offer a complete response concerning the treatment of different types of wrinkles and to be able to slow down the structural and visual aspects of skin aging.
The LINE CORRECTION concept is aimed at all customers who want an effective response in terms of reducing and preventing facial lines and wrinkles.
LINE CORRECTION enables the modern beauty therapist to offer a solution that fully meets the customers’ skin needs, combining efficacy and safety. In a society, where looking younger is the main focus of our aesthetic concerns, anti-wrinkle treatments taking the central stage. Indeed, wrinkles are the first visible signs of skin aging and depending on individual physiology can appear quite early.
This explains the high demand for medical-aesthetic injections (botulinum toxin, hyaluronic acid or mesotherapy micro-injections). These invasive methods meet a needs of modern women and men who want to find quick solutions to reduce facial lines and wrinkles.
ERICSON LABORATOIRE has developed an alternative comprehensive solution to medical-aesthetic injections by offering an innovative combination of high-tech active ingredients with rapid action on facial wrinkles.

This innovative association offers a complete approach to reducing and preventing wrinkles thanks to:
– A total pre-and post-synaptic action acting on the neurotransmitters responsible for wrinkle contraction
– An anti-free radical action to help slow down the aging of skin tissue
– An action potentiated by the combined action of 2 types of hyaluronic acid to fill fine lines and wrinkles
► LINE CORRECTION has a selection of synergistic active ingredients for both high-performance and strong anti-wrinkle results.
Nature of Skin Ageing.
Skin aging happens due to a slowing down of the physiological cellular system. It’s a genetically programmed and natural process. Over the years, the skin’s maintenance mechanisms have deteriorated. The rate of cell renewal slows down, the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands decreases, and the dermis loses elasticity – the skin is less tight, and wrinkles deepen
Endogenous oxidative stress is also a contributing factor in skin aging processes. Indeed, cells are constantly subject to oxidative attacks from free radicals, resulting from the metabolism of oxygen and the production of cellular energy (ATP). This is a natural phenomenon, but when the production of free radicals exceeds the body’s defence capabilities, our cells undergo oxidative stress which promotes premature aging. This is also accelerated by extrinsic factors also called exposome, such as solar radiation, tobacco smoke, pollution etc.

The main consequences of these attacks are progressive thickening of the epidermis, dehydration of the stratum corneum, a flattening of the dermo-epidermal junction, and dermal thinning with impairment of its protein integrity, the main components of the skin.
kin aging is manifested by the reduction of support fibres, but it’s also characterized by fibre disorganization. The fibres shrink, fragment, and break down with a tapered appearance, especially for elastin fibres, while collagen fibres stiffen, leading to a loss of the skin’s biomechanical properties.
These changes are partly due to a decrease in the number of fibroblasts, which causes a reduction not only in dermal fibres, but also due to a loss of thickness of the extracellular matrix.
An alteration of this ground substance is manifested by the degradation of its glycoproteins and proteoglycans. This contains less hyaluronic acid and becomes less permeable, less hydrated and less fluid. Nutrient exchanges decrease as the extra-cellular matrix loses much of its ability to attract and retain circulating fluids, causing deep dehydration.
Difference Between Expression Lines and Tension Lines.
Over time, wrinkles, lines, folds or furrows begin to appear, partly due to the loss of fibres and partly due to the poor extracellular matrix
There are three types of facial lines.
1) Static: present from birth, natural folds of flexion and extension – elbow, wrist, neck, etc
2) Dynamic or expression lines: start to appear around the age of 25
3) Gravity lines: appear around 40 years old
This is explained by several phenomena
– Modification of the skin’s microrelief
– Alteration of elastin and collagen in the dermis
– Reduction of the subcutaneous fatty layer
– The slowdown in skin renewal: 28 days at the age of 20 years and almost 2 months at 50 years
Muscle tone is also very important in dynamic lines or expression lines. The cutaneous muscles, following the orientation of the fibres, establish lines of force that indicate the direction of skin sliding.
Types of Wrinkles.
There are two main types of wrinkles, corresponding to two formation processes
• Lines at the outer corner of the orbicularis oculi, called ‘‘crow’s feet’’ (which become more pronounced when we laugh)
• Horizontal forehead wrinkles
• The vertical wrinkles or frown lines that form the folds of the glabella (space between the eyebrows). They make the face look sad and worried
• Circumoral wrinkles (located around the mouth) or perioral
• Lines marked with a ‘‘fixed grin’’ (which becomes more pronounced when speaking
They are linked to the 15,000 daily contractions that the facial features undergo. Indeed, about fifty small subcutaneous muscles in the face contract and then relax incessantly in line with our emotions. As the skin loses elasticity over the years, these folds end up leaving their mark on the skin tissues.

The ever-increasing demand for non-invasive alternative solutions in the treatment of all types of wrinkles has guided the research departments of Ericson Laboratoire to develop an innovative, effective treatment
LINE CORRECTION targets the release of skin micro-tensions to relax features without freezing facial expressions, as well as filling in wrinkles for quick and long-lasting results.
Active Ingredients
An alternative to Botox. Targets the limitation of wrinkle depth reduction mechanisms with a) pre-and b) post-synaptic action to weaken muscle contraction: the solution against expression lines and chronological wrinkles. Made from a combination of six amino acids to mimic the role of botulinum toxin in the biochemical reactions of neurotransmitter.
A low molecular weight peptide allows immediate and long-lasting relaxation on facial expression lines. It mimics the activity of Waglerin, a natural peptide found in the venom of the temple viper (Tropidolaemus Wagleri). The Waglerin molecule has a strong ability to relax muscle contraction. VIPSYLAMINE is based on a patented mechanism and mimics the sequence of amino acids involved in the Waglerin functionality.
Represents the latest generation of filling spheres. It contains a) low molecular weight hyaluronic acid (<40 kDa) and b) glucomannan, a high molecular weight polysaccharide (>200 kDa). Their reticulation allows the formation of spheres from two biopolymers, which at the stage of dehydration transform into 4th generation filler spheres. As a result, wrinkles are filled in, the skin gradually regains its tone, suppleness and firmness.
Professional Kit
Based on the latest technological advances, it is now possible to offer a comprehensive approach to the treatment of various types of wrinkles and slow down the structural and visual aspects of skin aging
The concept is aimed at all customers who want an effective response in terms of reducing and preventing facial lines and wrinkles and enables the modern beauty therapist to offer a solution that fully meets the customers’ skin needs, combining efficacy and safety.

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